Library Services: Regular Hours
9 visitors at one time, visits are limited to 15 minutes.
- Mondays 11-1pm for at risk users
- Mondays 1-7pm open to all public
- Tuesdays 1-6pm open to all public
- Wednesdays 10am-6pm open to all public
- Fridays 9-5pm open to all public
- Using sanitizing wipes, spray
- Bathrooms, door handles, tables daily before opening
- Circulation desk at least hourly
- Computers at least daily – use at your own risk
Curbside Service
Curbside service is still available. Please call to request items and schedule a pickup time.
- 15 minute visits – “pick-up and go”
- Up to 9 patrons at one time
- Social distancing
- 2 computers available – 15 minutes of use
- All toys, puzzles, plush animal unavailable for use
- Back room available for groups of 2 only – 15 minutes only